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Accepting donations for annual rummage sale

2 Posts
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Eminent Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 24
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 Set aside items as you spring clean! Please contact if you are moving or downsizing.

Annual Rummage Sale

Holy Rosary Catholic Church

Fri. June 1 & Sat. June 2

7 AM-2 PM daily

Hamburger & Hot dog meal after 11AM

Drop items directly starting Fri., May 25 through Thurs., May 31, in Boeseke Hall, 163 Leedy Drive, Lander  If you are moving or out of town during the time of the sale, please call Carol Baron@  332-5129 to see what we can take in advance.

NO TV’s/computers, heavy exercise equipment, infant/child car seats, tires/hazardous waste.

Proceeds to benefit World Youth Day
