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NOLS letting go maj...
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NOLS letting go majority of its workforce - President and Directors still getting paid good wages?

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Lander Community,

Have you heard about the recent (RIF) Reduction in Workforce that NOLS is doing?  Here is an excerpt of the email sent to the hard working employees of NOLS by President, Terri Watson.

April 8th, 2020

"As a result, the executive team has made the decision to implement a reduction in workforce (RIF), which will comprehensively impact NOLS.  This will impact staff above and beyond the 505 instructors who have already lost work opportunities to date due to course cancellations.

These reductions will reduce our total worldwide fulltime and seasonal intown staffing by 59%.  43% of non-seasonal positions have been laid-off. Of those non-seasonal positions retained, 29% will see reduced hours or pay. Clearly, this is devastating across the board.

In conjunction with these reductions, I am voluntarily taking a 50% reduction in pay, and the executive team will take a 20% reduction in pay. We acknowledge that this does not equate to the loss of many in our community."

Hey thanks for realizing it doesn't equate, but things seem pretty dire for NOLS if you read the entire email.  Has the executive team seen what VAIL has done, Have they seen what REI has done?  CEO's giving up 100% of their salaries! Why are NOLS leaders still getting paid so much in such grave times? I'm sure VAIL as well as REI are in much better financial positions than NOLS, yet they are taking more drastic measures to prove a point.  COVID-19 is terrible for all and we are going to feel the true pain with you.  Step into the void NOLS Leadership team... 👎 

If you know NOLS employees effected by this terrible epidemic and/or (RIF) please voice your opinion on this post as well as contacting them here.  The folks that I know have worked really hard, for little money, and for many years.  This just makes it even more hard to handle for them. 

Best of luck to all of you Nolsies out there!
