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Looking for Property for sale by owner

1 Posts
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2
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Hello! I am looking to buy a small property (3-10 acres) preferably with an established water well and septic system just outside of Lander. Really, I am just looking for some land with a Pole Building/Garage, as i don't require a "house". I would be building an apartment/loft into said pole building but honestly the building is optional, as i can build what i need as long as water and electric are there even the septic is not a requirement as i can handle that later. I am a single guy who is trying to live as simply as possible but still carve out a niche I can call my own.  I work for Fremont County and live in Lander already, I am just seeking something more permanent and conducive to my lifestyle. I need a workshop not a bunch of wasted house-space...:-) Please feel free to contact me if you are looking to sell land or know of someone who would be interested in selling something that may fit my needs.  Thanks!
