[Duboistalk] Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Hannes Stueckler hstueckler at gmail.com
Tue May 24 17:07:21 MDT 2011

Hello Lander (and beyond),


Spring is upon us, and so we are moving our training outdoors.  Starting in
June, we will train at various outdoor locations.  For more information,
please contact me at the phone number below, or e-mail me.

Our dojo is a place where we can study ancient warrior traditions, and put
them into a modern context.  We are very fortunate to live in a time when
these sorts of skills are very rarely needed, and we have the luxury of time
to develop them to their perfection.  As such we can pursue it as artists,
and not out of a daily necessity.  If training is done correctly, a moment
of necessity will turn our skills from art to practical knowledge, and that
is why we do what we do.

Right now we are focusing on fighting with short sticks, handguns, and
folding chairs.  it seems like a strange mix of weapons, but they are very
common weapons in this day and age.  The techniques this year are derived
from the ancient Shinden Fudo Ryu (Immovable Heart School), which makes no
mention of metal folding chairs or handguns, and only brief discussion of
sticks.  The beauty of our training method is that our art is alive, and as
such it must change as times change.  If we don't remember this, we are not
martial artists, we are only technique collectors.

A friend of mine described it very well by saying, "Imagine 400 years in the
future, a group of people is still studying from a 1970s Marine Corps Field
manual.  it is their intention to keep the 'art pure', and so they would
spend a great deal of time training with the M-16 and similar weapons in the
tactics of jungle warfare.  They would be very good at those things, and
they would understand a great many things about strategy.  The problem is
their main threat might be an alien invader fighting them from spaceships
with laser guns."

It would be safe to say that those people are either living in a fantasy
world, or they will have to change their knowledge of  combat very quickly
when they enter the real world.  This is not a derogatory term, it is a
statement of fact.

Still, the basic laws of strategy don't change much.  The concepts that
apply to chess also apply to hand-to-hand combat, rifle combat, airplane
combat, and submarine combat.  So the students of the 1970s Marine Corps
tactics will still know something very important, and as long as they are
willing to adapt it to what is going on in the real world, it will be a
useful skill.

Enough martial philosophy for now.

If you're interested in training with us please contact me.

Thank you,

Hannes Stueckler

“Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest
~William Shakespeare
Bujinkan Buyu Lander Dojo
Traditional and Modern Self Defense.
(307) 463-4522
Youth and Adult training.

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